Assign 1 point for each "Yes" response (for all questions except Q4).
For Q4 (⚠️), assign 1 point for a "No" response instead of "Yes."
Add up all the points (this is the total of all the "1 points" you assigned).
Upon submission, you will receive a score key that categorizes the score into "Low," "Medium," or "High."
1️⃣ I find it hard to relax after a workday.
2️⃣ By the end of the day, I feel really worn out.
3️⃣ My job leaves me feeling rather exhausted.
4️⃣ After dinner, I don’t feel fully recharged. ⚠️
5️⃣ I only start to feel relaxed on my second day off.
6️⃣ It’s hard to focus in my free time after work.
7️⃣ When I get home, I struggle to engage with others.
8️⃣ I need more than an hour to recover after work.
9️⃣ When I get home, I just need some peace and quiet.
🔟 Sometimes, I’m too tired after work to enjoy other activities.